Quand un 999 croise le 888 en baie de Concarneau…
Première sortie en mer du Malango 888 « What Else ? »  –  10 à 12 nds de vent

Deuxième sortie en mer : 15 nds de vent, vitesses supérieures à 9 nœuds…


Un commentaire

  1. What else ?

    Is Georges Inside ?,certainly not, but…you are aboard a fast ,fun and easy sailing boat designed by Pierre Rolland and built by IDB Marine ,IDB perhaps for Ideal Designed Boat .
    Fast :when 7 knots becomes your daily speed, fun :when surfing becomes usual, and easy :when you only have to take your tiller in the right hand you can consider that the most important has been done.
    Sincerly yours ,

    Happy owner of What else ?: the first 8.88 of a long série

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Office du Tourisme Concarneau
Region Bretagne